
About me:

I have been an educator for the past 32 years of my life. I began in 5th grade in a “sink or swim” teaching position and ultimately I survived, though not without a lot of tears.

During my 32 years, I have taught upper grades, Middle School ESL, a Pre-School program within an Elementary School (sort of a “jump start” program), lower grades; Kindergarten, First grade, Third grade, and Fourth grade. As an “A” type personality, I have followed many different paths, Computer Education, Bilingual Education(Spanish), Special Education ( Was pursuing a Masters’ – never quite finished, but found the classes I had taken to be extremely valuable throughout the rest of my teaching career)

Like many other teachers, I am not the most creative or original at coming up with new ideas, but over the years I have kept a lot of tips, and ideas I feel are worth passing on to other teachers new to the field. Many may be ideas or things you have already seen, and if so, that’s great.
As teachers, we do get exposed to lots of ideas, ways of organizing, teaching, etc, what we usually lack is the time to input them all.

Anyway, I hope through this site, to share ideas and welcome others’ contributions as well, it is only in its beginning stage, as I write this on August 24, 2010. It is my goal over the next year to turn it into a site that other teachers would like to visit for a multitude of resources.

Thanks for visiting my site