You might be asking yourself, “Why Simply6?  What’s it all about?”

See if any of this resonates with you…our calendars get full, dining tables and desks get cluttered, and the mental to-do list grows exponentially.  How do we manage?  How do we “do it all”?  We often find ourselves so overwhelmed that we don’t have the brain space to take things in and effectively handle what we want — we start dropping balls.

Psychology tells us that to use our brain space and memory effectively we should employ the technique of “chunking” — i.e. breaking information down into digestible and memorable pieces.  Phone numbers, for instance (although who memorizes these anymore), are nicely broken down into area code, prefix, and suffix — making those seven digits much easier to remember.  Same goes for life and learning.  Let’s break it down.  Let’s make it digestible.  Let’s make it Simply6.

Education also teaches us about surface learning and dig-down-deep learning (I’m paraphrasing).  We can take-in and try to learn A LOT of information about many topics — being well-rounded.  And we can choose one topic and really explore and investigate, going in-depth with it.  There are benefits and drawbacks to both.  However, in terms of what will really stay with us — the deep stuff, of course.  So why not, learn top 6 of the surface stuff, keep the highlights, and then dig deep with the stuff that really matters.

Visit a museum and find your brain whirring with ideas to share the knowledge — think of the top 6 highlights and focus on those.  Your 4-year old nephew starts asking about dinosaurs — what are the top 6 areas to cover?  What does it eat?  Where does it live?  Who are its enemies?  Its friends? …up to 6 topics.  Keep it brief.  Keep it uncluttered.  Keep it Simply6.

I hope you’ll find that as you begin applying the Simply6 way of thinking to themes and topics that arise in your life, that you can pull out what’s essential, share, and then delve deep into the really good stuff.
